Wellbeing week

Wellbeing Week

We want everyone within our organisation to have the tools they need to shape their futures as healthy, resilient human beings. Last week, we held a Wellbeing Week at the School for both staff and students, and while we know these initiatives don’t transform individuals’ wellbeing overnight, we love them as gentle reminders to us all of the robust support we have available year-round.

We’re proud of our top pastoral and welfare team, which includes clinical psychologists and counsellors, and of our HR team who offer plenty of in-house programmes and services as well as connections to national organisations.

The Five Ways to Wellbeing

This year’s theme was based on the Mental Health Foundation‘s Five Ways to Wellbeing.

  1. To connect — Good relationships help you build a sense of belonging and self-worth and provide emotional support
  2. To be active — Being active is not only great for your physical health, but help you to set goals and challenges and achieve them, and boost your mood.
  3. To learn — Learning can boost your self-confidence and give you a sense of purpose
  4. To give to others — Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness create positive feelings and sense of reward
  5. To take notice (mindfulness) — Benefits of mindfulness can include stress relief, lower blood pressure, and improved sleep

The Healthcare team held an assembly with the students, placed posters around the School and shared hints and tips about how to better support our mental, physical and social health. And for staff, our HR team has arranged wellbeing walks to help us blow out the cobwebs and make time to connect and stay active.

Here are just a few tips from our Healthcare team

Markella Kefallonitou, Pilates Instructor
‘My tip or thing I like to do is never rush breakfast. I like to start my day slowly and mindfully, even if that means to wake up a little earlier to get ready for the day. It is my favourite meal of the day. I enjoy preparing it and taking my time to sip my tea while looking out the window.’  

Lucy Bailie, School Counsellor
‘I’ve been doing Duolingo for 306 days and counting. It’s been fun to learn something new. I’m doing French but I know people who are enjoying stretching themselves to less common languages like Irish and Navajo.’  

Richard Meaden, Physiotherapist
‘Get sunlight on your skin and eyeballs every day…and if you’ve never heard it before, listen to the lyrics of Baz Luhrmann’s advice for life.’