Affiliate Training and Assessment Programme

Information for parents

Affiliate programme
The Affiliate Training and Assessment Programme is The Royal Ballet School’s programme for private and recreational dance students. Teachers train directly with The Royal Ballet School and are then accredited as Affiliate Teachers to deliver the programme to students in their own dance schools. 
The innovative programme gives young dance students a high-quality, holistic learning experience. It is an alternative to other recreational training models based on learning a syllabus for examination.
Alongside classical ballet vocabulary and performance skills, students learn choreography, repertoire, and appreciation.
The programme uses student-centred learning. Teachers guide students to learn ‘how’ to learn and to enjoy and value the process. 
Affiliate Teachers conduct their own assessments, which are then moderated by The Royal Ballet School. 

What are the benefits for my child?

  • A programme that places the student experience at the heart
  • High-quality training in classical ballet technique and repertoire, creative practice and choreography
  • Learning ‘how to learn’ with a growth mindset, supported to try new things and not be afraid of mistakes
  • Confidence and resilience, a positive approach to learning
  • Physical play develops a range of natural motor skills and coordination
  • Creativity and self-expression
  • Inclusive and flexible for different learning styles and needs
  • An enjoyment for dance and a broad knowledge of the art form.

Programme information

The programme has six training levels. Each level has an associated recommended age band, covering ages five and upwards.

Programme content is based on The Royal Ballet School’s Model for Optimal Dance Training. Each level contains both movement and contextual studies.

Movement studies include foundation movement skills, generic movement skills, qualitative movement skills and ballet technique and vocabulary. Contextual studies include the study of repertoire, choreography, creative tasks, and art form appreciation.

The length of study at each level ATAP will be slightly longer than other examinations, due to the extra learning of repertoire and choreography.

Students are assessed by their teacher against criteria set by The Royal Ballet School. Teachers create and teach assessment material appropriate to each level once students have completed the minimum training hours.

Affiliate Teachers conduct assessments when they choose and video record them. They then submit them via a secure platform to The Royal Ballet School for moderation.

The School gives teachers ongoing guidance with monitoring and moderation of their students’ assessment results.

Experience the Affiliate Training and Assessment Programme

For young dancers, their parents/carers and recreational or private dance teachers. Discover the future of ballet education at one of our Insight workshops, happening around the UK.

Experience a typical Affiliate class led by our expert staff and a presentation of the Affiliate Programme ethos and methodology.

Affiliate training and assessment programme (information for parents)

Emilia was mesmerised by the whole experience. Learning ballet with ATAP, she felt she had more freedom to express herself and more confidence in her creativity. Ballet techniques were more enjoyable to learn and she felt more connected with her body. Roberta, parent of Level 2 ATAP student

When I first started dancing if I got something wrong I thought I’ll try something else I’m good at, but (from learning with ATAP) I think, I can’t do this now but if I work more I will be able to do it later. It can help you not to give up easily, and I think that can help in everything you are doing. Allegra, aged 9, Level 2 ATAP student

Kanon has taken great pleasure in being part of ATAP and has especially enjoyed the creative work and choreography with Ms Michelle… She also loved being surrounded by kind and nurturing support from her teachers and like-minded ballet friends. Mika, parent of Level 3 ATAP student

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