Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply to any event, audition or course organised by The Royal Ballet School which can be booked through our website.

For full-time training, Associates and Primary Steps, parents sign a parent contract which forms their terms and conditions and these are sent to them annually each summer for the following school year.

All event tickets are sold subject to availability and to these terms and conditions. Purchase of tickets represents acceptance of these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in the refusal of admission to Royal Ballet School events.

  • All bookings will be dealt with in order of receipt. Payment will normally be processed within ten working days on receipt of application, unless during busy periods
  • Automated email acknowledgement of your booking will be sent on receipt of application. You are advised not to book travel unless you have received written confirmation of a place
  • By booking on a course or event, you agree that all details you provide to us are correct, that the credit or debit card you are using is your own and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost
  • Bookings are non-transferable to either another course or another participant, with the exception of our UK Inspire seminars (see point 3 below)
  • We reserve the right to refuse admission to events on reasonable grounds including those of health and safety or child protection. No refund will be issued
  • The number of event tickets you are permitted to purchase may be restricted. You will be notified of such restrictions at the time of purchase and we reserve the right to cancel tickets that are purchased in excess of these restrictions
  • At ticketed events, we may direct guests to specific seats should this be necessary
Application fees

There is an application fee of £70 for each full-time and Mid/Senior/Advanced Associate audition, and £60 for Junior Associate auditions. The fees cover the costs of running the auditions, administrative work involved in processing applications, and the fees charged to The Royal Ballet School from third-party software providers. Application fees are non-refundable.


The Royal Ballet School reserves the right to cancel a course or event up to a month before the date. Full refunds of both tuition and accommodation (where applicable) will be made in these circumstances.

Withdrawals and refunds

Full-time courses

One term’s notice is required for withdrawal from full-time courses. Please refer to your parent contract to read the full terms and conditions. Please note: application fees are non-refundable.


One term’s notice is required for withdrawal from Associate courses. Please refer to your parent handbook to read the full terms and conditions. Please note: application fees are non-refundable.

Intensive courses
Days before the date of event that notice of cancellation is received  Remedy
60 days 90% refund of the fees. A 10% handling fee will be retained by the School
59-40 days 50% refund of fees
39-21 days 30% refund of fees
20 days or less We regret that no refund can be made
Autumn, Winter and Spring (Upper School) Intensive
Days before the date of event that notice of cancellation is received  Remedy
30 or more days 90% refund of the fees. A 10% handling fee will be retained by the School
15-29 days 50% refund of fees
Fewer than 15 days We regret that no refund can be made

Please note, the ‘days before’ period is measured from the date of the first day of the course, not each individual day of teaching. For example, if you are booked on the Friday of a course that starts on a Monday, you must still give 30 days’ notice before the Monday to receive a 90% refund.

Inspire seminars
Days before the date of event that notice of cancellation is received  Remedy
30 or more 90% refund of the fees for UK and Hong Kong seminars. A 10% handling fee will be retained by the School
15 – 29 50% refund of fees for UK seminars only. Alternatively participants who have booked onto one of our UK Inspire teachers’ seminars may change their booking to a different seminar (this does not apply to Hong Kong seminars)
We regret that no refund can be made for Hong Kong seminars
Less than 15 We regret that no refund can be made for UK seminars

If an Inspire Series 1 seminar participant withdraws, seminar resources will not be issued. Resources are only available to those who attend the events in person

Diploma of Dance Teaching

Diploma of Dance Teaching course fees are non-refundable once students are enrolled and the course has commenced.
Please note: application fees are non-refundable.

Affiliate Training & Assessment Programme

Affiliate Training and Assessment Programme course fees are non-refundable.
Please note: application fees are non-refundable.

Teacher Training Fellowship events

Teacher Training Fellowship member events are non-refundable. Where available, a recording of the event will be offered.

Insight Days

For our online Insight classes we are unable to offer any refunds.
We are able to offer a 90% refund for any participant who withdraws up to two weeks in advance of an in-person Insight Day. No refunds will be offered for withdrawals made less than two weeks before the event.

Teacher training webinars
Days before the date of event that notice of cancellation is received  Remedy
15 or more 90% refund of the fees – a 10% handling fee will be retained by the School
5 – 14 50% refund of fees
Less than 5 We regret that no refund can be made for UK seminars
Ticketed events

We do not offer ticket refunds except for when the event is sold out and the ticket can be resold. We may offer refunds or exchanges in the event of cancelled performances. We do not permit the transfer or re-sale of a ticket.

Notice of withdrawal from courses

Notification of withdrawal must be put in writing (email is acceptable), after which an acknowledgement will be issued. Refunds will be based on the date of receipt of the withdrawal notification email or letter. The Royal Ballet School takes no responsibility for non-receipt of email or postage notifications. Refunds will normally be processed within 14 days.


Participants are advised to consider taking out insurance against withdrawal due to injury/illness, requiring medical treatment or hospitalisation, or due to personal or family reasons which might prevent them from completing the course. Participants with an existing injury or condition attend at their own risk.

Additional charges

Any charges incurred by The Royal Ballet School on the behalf of a participant will be passed on to the participant or the participant’s Parent/Guardian, who will be liable to reimburse the full amount, eg replacing a lost locker key.

Waiver – physical contact

Physical contact may be necessary by members of the teaching faculty. If you would like further information please refer to our policy on physical contact.

Course and event content

The Royal Ballet School reserves the right to alter the advertised course or event and/or faculty without prior notice. Where possible, alterations will be published on the website.
We do not guarantee event performances will start at the scheduled time. No liability for affected transport arrangements is accepted.

Course and event content

All course participants (excluding Inspire participants) will receive a Code of Conduct in their confirmation pack and/or will attend an induction at the beginning of the course at which the Code of Conduct will be explained to them. Failure to observe the Code of Conduct may result in participants being asked to leave. The Royal Ballet School reserves the right, at its discretion, to refuse admission to any participants prior to, or during the course. In this instance, no refund will be given.

By signing up to Royal Ballet School events or courses, participants are agreeing they are fit and well enough to take part and take full responsibility for their personal well-being.


Where applicable, participants must be of the minimum age and/or level stated in the relevant course information in order to participate on the chosen course. The Royal Ballet School reserves the right to return applications which do not meet the age or level required.

Photography and recordings

Recording or photography, with or without flash is strictly forbidden by all event attendees or visitors to the school.

The Royal Ballet School reserves the right for the School or third parties to carry out general filming, photography and sound recording in or around the buildings.
Sometimes an image might single an event attendee out in its focus. These images, photos and video, may be used in a range of ways to promote the work of the School. This might include use on the School website, social media or as part of a School publication. The photos may also be sent to journalists for use in press articles. Some image uses are also necessary for administration and the safety of pupils, such as CCTV.

Occasionally The Royal Ballet School may be involved in press photo shoots, filming, interviews or public events and event attendees may be asked to participate in these. Such activity will be for printed, broadcast media and the internet and often involves working with collaborators or partners approved by the School, such as the Royal Opera House. Activity of this nature always takes place under the strict control and supervision of our Marketing team and resultant material is used to promote the values and key messages of The Royal Ballet School.

By booking an event, course, programme, or attending an audition, the participant consents to be photographed or sound recorded and to the commercial exploitation of such film or recording without any right to payment.
Any participant who objects to being photographed or recorded must indicate this by contacting us by email prior to the event.

Teacher training webinars

By booking an event, course, programme, webinar, or attending an audition, the participant consents to be photographed, filmed or sound recorded and to the commercial exploitation of such photograph, film or sound recording without any right to payment.
Sharing digital links giving access to the School’s programmes e.g. Zoom are to be used only by the person booking a webinar and must not be shared with any third party. Recording of the event is strictly prohibited.


The Royal Ballet School has a non-smoking policy. Smoking, including e-cigarettes, and the use of legal highs are not permitted on the premises.

Personal property

The Royal Ballet School cannot be held responsible for any personal property. For some courses, lockers are provided.


Participants should not use or move any of the equipment unless authorised to do so. Please refer to section 28 of our Health and Safety policy for more detail.
Only water in plastic or metal bottles may be taken in to the studios.

Data protection

The Royal Ballet School is committed to protecting any personal information you share with us.
Please read our Privacy Policy to find out more.

Access requirements

If you have any access requirements for an event or course, please let us know before booking or buying tickets. You can email us, or call us at White Lodge, +44(0)20 8392 8440 or Upper School, +44(0)20 7836 8899.

Comments and complaints

If you have any comments or complaints, please contact us.

Direct Debit guarantee

The Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.

If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit the organisation will notify you (normally 10 working days) in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request the organisation to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.

If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the organisation or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the organisation asks you to.

You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify the organisation.

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