Year 11 students stand on the steps of white lodge at their celebration day

Celebrations and prizegiving assemblies 2022

As we come to the end of the academic year, we have been celebrating the incredible dedication and talent that our students have showcased across the past three terms.

Year 11 Celebration Day

On Friday 24 June our Year 11 Celebration Day was held at White Lodge. After a challenging year, this was a wonderful chance to commend our students on their hard work and accomplishments. Families and friends were invited to White Lodge where they watched special performances from our students and enjoyed drinks and nibbles in the beautiful grounds. A presentation of awards also took place on the day, with certificates given to students for their achievements.

Final assemblies

Final assemblies were held for both our Upper School and White Lodge students to celebrate their accomplishments from the past year. On Tuesday 12 July, awards and prizes were presented to Upper School students in the Linden Studio:

  • The Ballet Association Awards are given in recognition of the contribution to dance of Sylvia Tyler and Joan Seaman through their founding and development of the Association and provide support for the costs of Upper School training. This year they were awarded to 2nd Years Milda Luckute, Alfie Shacklock and Isabella Shaker. The award was kindly presented by special guest David Bain, Chairman of the Ballet Association
  • The Gailene Stock Award is awarded to a 2nd Year student who has demonstrated exceptional progress throughout the year. This was awarded to Caspar Lench, kindly given by special guest and former Chairman of The Royal Ballet School, David Norman.

Our White Lodge final assembly took place on Friday 15 July, with several prizes and scholarships awarded:

  • Ptolemy Gidney, Year 11, was presented with The April Olrich Award. This award is given to a dancer who possesses an extra ‘special something; that inner magic, that spark that fires the audience – the dancer who uses the eyes to communicate with the audience – the dancer who comes alive on stage’
  • The Valerie Adams Award for Exceptional Musicality was given to Year 11 Shani Moran- Simmonds. Our alumna Valerie Adams generously left a gift in her will which provides this award in perpetuity
  • The Frank Freeman Scholarship was awarded to Year 11 Amos Child this year.

These assemblies were also an opportunity for us to thank the staff who will be leaving us this year. The warmest thanks and appreciation were shown by colleagues and students alike to members of the Academic and Pastoral teams who are moving on to pastures new in September.  

Congratulations to all of our students. It’s been fantastic to celebrate everything they have achieved this year and we hope that they all feel as proud of themselves as we do of them!

Browse a selection of the photographs from the day below.

Year 11 celebration