Inspire to be – Student information form Inspire to be – Student information form Step 1 of 2 50% To be completed by the parent/carer. Students will not be able to participate in the class if this form is not received in advance of the semainr. Student details Please select the Inspire to be seminar your child is attending Please select from one of the below options:Inspire to be class in Hong KongInspire to be 3 (17 March 2024)Inspire to be 1 (26 March 2023)Inspire to be 2 (21 May 2023)Inspire to be 3 (6 November 2022) Please select which date your child is attending:* Friday 29 March (ages 7-9) Saturday 30 March (ages 10-12) Sunday 31 March (ages 13-15) Name of child* First Last Date of birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Age of child* Year group of child* Year 3 (ages 7-8)Year 4 (ages 8-9)Year 5 (ages 9-10)Year 6 (ages 10-11)Year 7 (ages 11-12)Year 8 (ages 12-13)Year 9 (ages 13-14)Year 10 (ages 14-15) School year group of child* Please select one optionYear 7Year 8 How many ballet classes does your child attend per week?* 123+ How many years has your child been attending ballet classes?* Parent/carer contact email for communication* Name of student's dance teacher (who booked the Inspire to be place) First Last Name of parent/carer dropping off and collecting from venue* First Last Relationship to the student* Please provide a contact telephone number for the parent/carer dropping off and collecting the student* Please provide an alternative emergency contact number* Does the student have any allergies, medication or any other medical conditions that the School should be aware of for this event?* Yes No Please provide details* Does the student carry an epipen?* Yes No Consents Terms and Conditions* By checking this box you confirm you have read and understood our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Does the accompanying adult, or the student, have any access requirements?* Yes No Please provide details* Would you like to sign up to receive the latest news from The Royal Ballet School? Yes Step 1 of 2 50% To be completed by the parent/carer. Students will not be able to participate in the class if this form is not received in advance of the semainr. Student details Please select the Inspire to be seminar your child is attendingPlease select from one of the below options:Inspire to be class in Hong KongInspire to be 3 (17 March 2024)Inspire to be 1 (26 March 2023)Inspire to be 2 (21 May 2023)Inspire to be 3 (6 November 2022)Please select which date your child is attending:* Friday 29 March (ages 7-9) Saturday 30 March (ages 10-12) Sunday 31 March (ages 13-15) Name of child* First Last Date of birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Age of child*Year group of child*Year 3 (ages 7-8)Year 4 (ages 8-9)Year 5 (ages 9-10)Year 6 (ages 10-11)Year 7 (ages 11-12)Year 8 (ages 12-13)Year 9 (ages 13-14)Year 10 (ages 14-15)School year group of child*Please select one optionYear 7Year 8How many ballet classes does your child attend per week?*123+How many years has your child been attending ballet classes?*Parent/carer contact email for communication* Name of student's dance teacher (who booked the Inspire to be place) First Last Name of parent/carer dropping off and collecting from venue* First Last Relationship to the student* Please provide a contact telephone number for the parent/carer dropping off and collecting the student* Please provide an alternative emergency contact number* Does the student have any allergies, medication or any other medical conditions that the School should be aware of for this event?* Yes No Please provide details* Does the student carry an epipen?* Yes No Consents Terms and Conditions* By checking this box you confirm you have read and understood our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Does the accompanying adult, or the student, have any access requirements?* Yes No Please provide details* Would you like to sign up to receive the latest news from The Royal Ballet School? Yes