Video audition requirements

Video audition requirements

International video applicants must complete an online application form, including photos, fee payment, and a link to their video audition, by the closing date of all applications.

What to include in your video

White Lodge candidates aged 11 years old on 31 August 2025 only

Entry into UK school year 7


Candidates applying for female training: a plain-coloured leotard (simple-style: no skirt, no frills, lace, high fancy neckline or multi-straps), ballet tights (pink or a colour to match skin tone) or ballet socks as preferred and ballet shoes with elastic (no ribbons). Hair neatly groomed.

Candidates applying for male training: a dance leotard or close-fitting white t-shirt, dance shorts or mid-to-dark footless tights, white socks, and black or white ballet shoes. Hair should be neatly groomed; if long, please tie back (no headbands).


Find out more about photograph requirements.

1. Barre work

10 minutes maximum:

  • Pliés (demi and full)
  • Tendus (4 front, 4 side, 4 back and 4 side)
  • Battement tendu jeté (glissés) (4 front , 4 side, 4 back and 4 side)
  • Grand battements en croix (in 4 counts for each movement)
  • Cambrés (bends) – sideways, forwards and backwards.

2. Centre work

Five minutes maximum:

  • Simple ports de bras
  • Pirouettes from 5th position (only if already taught)
  • Sautés in 1st and 2nd positions, en face
  • Balancé de cȏté in a series
  • Gallops en diagonale.

3. Stretching

Please note that these stretches should not be bounced or forced.

  • Achilles (standing in parallel sideways to camera and bend knees with heels remaining on the floor)
  • Hamstrings (sitting on floor sideways to camera, legs stretched forward in parallel, reach forward to touch toes). Be mindful to keep your knees fully stretched
  • Back (lying face down sideways to camera, place hands on floor next to your shoulders and slowly stretch arms so back is arched)
  • Splits (facing on diagonal splits with both right and left leg, box splits in second position).

Videos should be no longer than 20 minutes.

If you would like some help with the exercises for your video application, please see our video guidelines.

White Lodge candidates aged between 12-14 years old on 31 August 2025 only

Entry into UK school years 8, 9 and 10

Uniform for candidates aged 12 or 13

Candidates aged 12 or 13 applying for female training: a plain-coloured leotard with no skirt or frills, ballet tights (pink or a colour to match skin tone), ballet shoes (pink or a colour to match skin tone) and pointe shoes (only for section 5). Hair neatly groomed.

Candidates aged 12 or 13 applying for male training: a dance leotard or close-fitting white t-shirt, dance shorts or mid-to-dark-coloured footless tights, white socks, and black or white ballet shoes. Hair neatly groomed; if long, please tie back (no headbands).

Uniform for candidates aged 14

Candidates aged 14 applying for female training: a plain-coloured leotard (not white, simple-style: no skirt, no frills, lace, high fancy neckline or multi-straps), ballet tights (pink or a colour to match skin tone), soft shoes and pointe shoes (only for section 5). Hair neatly groomed. Subtle/natural make-up only, if worn.

Candidates aged 14 applying for male training:  a close-fitting white t-shirt or leotard, mid-to-dark-coloured tights (no white tights, no dance shorts), white socks, and black or white ballet shoes. Hair neatly groomed; if long, please tie back (no headbands).


Find out more about photograph requirements.

1. Barre work

Please position the camera in front of the applicant to show full height and breadth in pliés and ports de bras.

Please position the camera halfway between front and side for all other sections of the barre to show full range of movements.

Left and right sides of all exercises must be shown unless otherwise stated.

Five minutes maximum:

  • Pliés and cambrés (right side only)
  • Battements tendus (left side only)
  • Adage (both sides)
  • Grands battements (left side only).

2. Centre work

Five minutes maximum:

  • Port de bras and small adage
  • Simple pirouettes en dehors with any preparation (only if these have already been taught).

3. Allegro

Five minutes maximum:

  • One enchaînement including sautés, changement des pieds and échappés
  • One enchaînement of petit allegro
  • One enchaînement of grand allegro.

4. Stretching

Please note that these stretches should not be bounced or forced.

  • Achilles (standing in parallel sideways to camera and bend knees with heels remaining on the floor)
  • Hamstrings (sitting on floor sideways to camera, legs stretched forward in parallel, reach forward to touch toes). Be mindful to keep your knees fully stretched
  • Back (lying face down sideways to camera, place hands on floor next to your shoulders and slowly stretch arms so back is arched)
  • Splits (facing on diagonal splits with both right and left leg, box splits in second position).

5. Candidates applying for female training only

Five minutes maximum of pointe work (only if already taught) at the barre only: rises, relevés, in 1st, 2nd and 5th positions.

Videos should be no longer than 20 minutes.

If you would like some help with the exercises for your video application, please see our video guidelines.

Upper School candidates aged between 16-18 years old on 31 August 2025 only

Entry into 1st, 2nd and Pre-professional year at Upper School (equivalent to UK school year 12, 13 and 14)


Candidates applying for female training: a plain-coloured leotard (not white, simple-style: no skirt, no frills, lace, high fancy neckline or multi-straps), ballet tights (pink or a colour to match skin tone), soft shoes and pointe shoes (only for section 5). Hair neatly groomed. Subtle/natural make-up only, if worn.

Candidates applying for male training: a close-fitting white t-shirt or leotard, mid-to-dark-coloured tights (no white tights, no dance shorts), white socks, and black or white ballet shoes. Hair neatly groomed; if long please tie back (no headbands).


Find out more about photograph requirements.

1. Barre work

Please position the camera in front of the applicant to show full height and breadth in pliés and ports de bras. Please position the camera halfway between front and side for all other sections of the barre to show full range of movements.

Left and right sides of all exercises must be shown unless otherwise stated.

Five minutes maximum:

  • Pliés and cambrés (right side only)
  • Battements tendus (left side only)
  • Adage (both sides)
  • Grands battements (left side only).

2. Centre practice

Five minutes maximum:

  • Adage must include grands poses and a tour lent/promenade in either à la seconde or arabesque
  • Pirouettes may be from 5th, 2nd, or 4th position, but must be done on the right and the left sides, en dehors and en dedans.

3. Allegro

Five minutes maximum:

  • One enchaînment including sautés, changement des pieds and échappés
  • One enchaînment of petit allegro
  • One enchaînment of grand allegro (including tours en l’air for male applicants).

4 Stretching

Please note that these stretches should not be bounced or forced.

  • Achilles (standing in parallel sideways to camera and bend knees with heels remaining on the floor)
  • Hamstrings (sitting on floor sideways to camera, legs stretched forward in parallel, reach forward to touch toes). Be mindful to keep your knees fully stretched.
  • Back (lying face down sideways to camera, place hands on floor next to your shoulders and slowly stretch arms so back is arched)
  • Splits (facing on diagonal splits with both right and left leg, box splits in second position).

5. Pointe work (candidates applying for female training only)

Five minutes maximum:

  • Simple échappé relevé in 2nd and 4th, retiré relevé and relevé passé
  • Simple pirouettes from 4th position
  • Diagonale of piqué turns.

Videos should be no longer than 20 minutes.

If you would like some help with the exercises for your video application, please see our video guidelines.

How to film your video application

Please ensure that your whole body is in the frame of the video and you are dancing in a clear and safe space. You can film your video application on a camera or a smartphone/tablet.

You do not need to have the video filmed in a studio or filmed by a professional.

How to create your video application link

Please upload your application to a video-sharing website and include the link in your application form. When applying, please select ‘Video audition’ in the question asking where you would like to audition.

Links to auditions on public sites such as YouTube or Vimeo should be ‘unlisted’ or password protected, not private. We will need access to your video for some time, so please do not use any time-limited links or file sharing services that require downloads.

We regret that we no longer accept DVD applications.

If you have any questions about any of the above please email our web team at [email protected].

  • Login or create a YouTube account
  • Find the camera icon with a plus and click on ‘Upload video’
  • When uploading the video or when you finish uploading, you can set the video to unlisted. By setting to ‘Unlisted’, only those with the url/link can see it
  • Please paste the url/link into your application form where instructed
  • This will allow the auditions team to watch the video online privately.
  • Login or create a OneDrive account
  • Click on ‘Upload’ and then ‘Files’
  • Once you find your file, upload it, right click on the file and click ‘Share’
  • Select ‘Anyone with the link’ and make sure to set a password and expiry date
  • Once done, copy the url/link, and paste it in the application form with the password, this will allow the auditions team to watch the video online privately.
  • Login or create a Google account
  • Go to Google Drive, click on ‘New’ and choose ‘File upload’
  • Once the video is uploaded, right click on the video and select ‘Get shareable link’, make sure it’s set to ‘Anyone with the link’ can view
  • Please copy and paste the url/link into your application form where instructed, this will allow the auditions team to watch the video online privately.
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