Audition FAQs


Here, we’ve answered some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about auditions. If you have a question and can’t find the answer below, contact [email protected].

General FAQs

Why can't I audition for Year 11 at White Lodge?

Our full-time training is structured into four clear programmes: Foundation Programme (Years 7-9, ages 11-14), Development Programme (Years 10-11, ages 14-16), Vocational Programme (Upper School 1st and 2nd Years, ages 16-18) and Pre-professional Programme (ages 18-19). Each programme represents a distinct phase in a young dancer’s development and corresponds to an academic phase in the UK education system.

Students must audition to enter the Vocational Programme in 1st Year of Upper School. To ensure students have the best opportunity to settle at the School and develop in the School’s style of classical ballet before being asked to audition again, and to avoid disrupting academic study and the student’s developmental well-being, students may not join the School in the final year of the Development Programme.

Students in these age groups are welcome to audition for the Mid or Senior Associate programmes and/or audition for full-time training the following year.

Can I audition again if I’ve been unsuccessful in the past?

Yes, we welcome applications from those who have auditioned before. We know that young dancers develop and progress at different rates.

Does everything (pictures/video/etc) need to be submitted at the same time?

Yes, you must submit all the materials requested at the same time and before the deadline set. Please ensure that you have read the requirements thoroughly before beginning the form and have your photographs, video link (not the video file itself), and payment method available as you go through the form.

Can I audition at one of The Royal Ballet School’s Intensive Courses?

We do not hold auditions for the full-time training programme during our Intensive Courses. If you wish to audition for the School, please visit our apply page and complete an application.

At an in-person audition

What happens at an in-person audition?

When you arrive at your audition, a Royal Ballet School staff member will meet you, help you register and give you a pair of audition numbers. We will give you time to prepare and check your hair and clothing. We will show you and your parent or guardian to a communal waiting area, usually a studio. You won’t be doing your class in this studio, so you may leave your bag and clothes here.

The audition class teacher will take you to the audition studio with other students. They will explain the general format of the class and what to expect. The audition is always a regular classical ballet class appropriate for the age group taking part. The class will last between 1h15 and 1h30 and include a gentle warm-up.

Do I need to prepare anything for the in-person audition?

You do not need to prepare anything specifically for the audition. The audition will take the form of a regular classical ballet class, like the classes you already attend. You will not need to perform a solo or bring a prepared dance piece.

What if I haven’t learnt one of the steps in my class?

Students are encouraged to ask the class teacher to explain and show them any unfamiliar steps. The teachers always appreciate it when a dancer tries a new step. No student will be disadvantaged for not having previously learnt steps or terminology.

Will there be pointework at the in-person audition?

The audition includes some basic pointework for those aged 14 and over. However, classes at some venues may include a mix of age groups and dancers not yet working en pointe will be able to do the same exercises on demi-pointe.

No dancer should attempt any pointework exercises unprepared, nor buy pointe shoes for an audition if not yet proficient. Your regular dance teacher will guide you through this stage of training when they judge that you are ready and experienced to do so safely.

A short part of the audition class will be en pointe at the final audition for White Lodge Year 10 and for Upper School.

What is the School looking for in the audition?

We seek to train dancers from the UK and worldwide to the highest standard for future careers in classical ballet. Our team is looking for dancers who show potential, artistry, musicality, and a love for their art.

What should I wear and bring to my audition?

It’s best to come to the audition ‘underchanged’, with ballet clothes under your everyday clothes. Please wear your regular dance school ballet clothes that you feel comfortable in; there is no need to buy new or special clothes for the audition. Remember to bring your regular ballet shoes and a bottle of water to take to the audition. You may be asked to take off your shoes during class for some exercises, so please wear flat ballet shoes with elastics rather than ribbons. If you wear tights, convertible tights are preferred.

Who will be on the audition panel?

The preliminary audition panel usually consists of two or three people, including one of our Intensive Courses and Auditions Artistic Managers and Artistic staff member(s).

The final audition panel will include the Artistic Director and Artistic staff members.

Will I have to do an interview at the audition?

If we shortlist you for a final audition, we will interview you to learn more about you and your decision to apply to the School. We will be in touch to let you know what to expect at this stage.

Video auditions

What do I need to include in my video audition?

Read our video audition guidelines.

Video audition guidelines are broken down based on the applicant’s age on 31 August. Please take advice from your current ballet teacher on the exercises if you have any questions about the content.

Can I video exercises to music?

Yes, please do. We want to be able to see the dancer’s musicality and artistry as well as their technique, so dancing to music is a very important part of the audition.

Does the video have to be shot in a studio or by a professional videographer?

No, we know some dancers may have limited access to a studio. Videos can be filmed in any safe and suitable place that lets us see the dancer clearly. We will make no judgement about the dancer based on their surroundings. We have never required professional filming for video submissions. The footage must just be clear and show the whole of the dancer.

Can I upload my video directly to the application form?

No, you will need to upload your video to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo, or use Google Drive or One Drive so that you have a link you can submit. Please do not use Dropbox or other sites that require a download or put a time limit on the availability of the link. We cannot guarantee that a link will be viewed before it expires.

International auditions

I’m not based in the UK, can I audition nearer home?

We invite international candidates who cannot attend a preliminary audition in the UK to submit a video application.

Successful applicants at the preliminary and semi-final stages will be invited to attend a final audition in London, UK.

Does the School’s international recruitment give an advantage to international students over UK-trained students?

We recruit all students based purely on their talent and potential, regardless of nationality. We seek to train the very best dancers from the UK and around the world and aim to offer the best possible chance for gifted young dancers to access our training. All preliminary auditions, whether in-person or on video, are assessed using the same criteria.

Getting your results

When will I find out the results?

We aim to send preliminary results for full-time training auditions out as soon as possible, likely within one month of your audition.

We send Associate results out at the end of the audition process, in March or April.

Please only contact the office for results after these times.

Will I receive feedback after my audition?

We regret that we cannot provide individual feedback after auditions or selection due to the very high number of applicants. All dancers are encouraged to seek development advice from their regular ballet teacher, who is the best person to support their training and progress.

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